DT / PT Rechtsdialog – Referenten und Programm
DAV Portugal und ARGE Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Seien Sie gespannt auf hochkarätige Vorträge, Networking und inspirierenden Austausch zu internationalen Lieferketten und Vertragsabwicklung. Duarte Lynce Faria Executive Member of the Board, Sines and Algarve [...]
Duarte Lynce Faria
Duarte Lynce Faria Decarbonisation in seaports and its impact on the logistics chain Using the Port of Sines (Portugal) as a case study, a project of the PRR, this speech highlights [...]
Greta Koch
Greta Koch The corporate sustainability due diligence directive (CSDDD) Greta Koch has been working as a political advisor since 2020 at the office of Axel Voss, member of the European Parliament, [...]
Jan Hoppe
Jan Hoppe Environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in the Supply Chain – CSDDD from a UK perspective Although the CSDDD is not set to be implemented in the United Kingdom, it [...]
Anna Hurmerinta-Haanpää / Juho Saloranta
Anna Hurmerinta-Haanpää / Juho Saloranta Proactive contracting in the context of EU CSDDD The EU CSDDD underscores the necessity for companies to integrate sustainability into their policies and management systems, encompassing the [...]
Folkert Baars / Monique Stengel
Folkert Baars / Monique Stengel Störung der Lieferketten und Haftung für Multimodaltransporte im Rechtsvergleich Störungen von Lieferketten und dadurch versäumte Lieferfristen können eine Vielzahl an Gründen haben. Darunter fallen Umstände höherer Gewalt, [...]