International Arbitration and Healthcare
6. Oktober 2022 - 8. Oktober 2022
The International Arbitration Commission, Healthcare and Life Sciences Commission and Public Procurement Interest Group invite you to the vibrant city of Berlin for a AIJA double seminar:
Arbitration in Times of Change – New Lands and Frontiers in Arbitration?
Healthcare Sector in Transition – Is Public Procurement an Ally or an Enemy?
The International Arbitration Commission will focus on the opportunities and challenges that characterise our time and which impact the landscape of arbitration. For example: Economic sanctions are impacting arbitral proceedings, so how should they be dealt with? Tackling climate change is one of the major tasks of our time, so what role can arbitration play in this context? Also, is arbitration a true option for start-ups? How to deal with the unexpected: force majeure and hardship – has arbitration proven to be up to the challenges? And the always present issue of efficiency – could preliminary assessments and similar tools be a viable way to prevent lengthy and costly proceedings?
The Healthcare and Life Sciences Commission and the Public Procurement Interest Group joined forces to discuss the new trends in the fast moving healthcare sector, e.g. its digitalization or the developments on cannabis market, and the legal challenges these novelties are causing. As a big part of the healthcare markets used to be public, public procurement regulations apply on top of any sectorial changes. Is it an improvement in competition and the best way to spend public money, or just a burden for both the public buyer and private suppliers?
A vivid discussion, new ideas and presentations from the client’s perspective are guaranteed.
On Saturday, the three commissions will meet to make the picture even more complete and to discuss the successful dispute resolution strategies on the healthcare market.
Full programme
Arbitration in Times of Change – New Lands and Frontiers in Arbitration?
Healthcare Sector in Transition – Is Public Procurement an Ally or an Enemy?